
Client represents a customer using your service. Client object allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Retrieve a specific client or a list of clients
  • Create a client
  • Update a client
  • Delete a client

  • cURL
  • PHP
  • C#
  • JAVA
name Client or customer namestringFilterable, Sortable
MaxLength = 65
address Address of a client
Address Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
assignedGroups []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of assigned groups
AssignedGroup Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
clientSince Date when the business was initiated between the company and the client in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
company Client's company namestringMaxLength = 55
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuidFilterable
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-timeFilterable, Sortable
currencyId Identifier of the client's currency multiplieruuid
currencyName Name of a currency, e.g., U.S.Dollar, British Poundstring
customFields []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.Represents a list of custom fields
CustomFieldData Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
defaultGroup Name of the default groupstring
defaultGroupId Identifier of the group to which a client belongsuuid
feeScheduleId Represents the fee schedule identifier. Fee schedules are unique fee structures with special bill rates and cost rates by employee, activity item, expense item or groupuuidFilterable
feeScheduleName Name of the fee schedulestringFilterable, Sortable
firstName First name of a clientstringMaxLength = 45
id Object identifieruuidFilterable
lastName Last name of the clientstringMaxLength = 45
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-timeFilterable, Sortable
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuidFilterable
mainExpenseTax Main expense tax applied to the expense amount on a client invoicedouble
mainServiceTax Main service tax applied to the labor/service amount on a client invoicedouble
manager Name of the employee who is a manager of the clientstringFilterable, Sortable
managerId Identifier of a client manageruuidFilterable
memo Records any extra information of a client for recapitulationstring
messageOnInvoice Custom message printed on a client invoicestring
middleInitial Middle initial of the clientstringMaxLength = 1
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectState Enumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
status Current status of the client, e.g., Active or InActive
Status Enumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
Filterable, Sortable
taxId Represents a federal tax identifier.string
term Name of the termstring
termId Identifier of a term (frequency) with which a client will make a paymentuuid
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
type Gets or sets the type.
ClientType Enumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte

Use this method to retrieve a list of clients. Optionally pass where, orderBy and page as the query parameters to filter the result. The fields parameter is used to request a flat subset of the model and the expand parameter is used to request nested properties in the model. The expand parameter is used to request nested properties in the model.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
fields Query Specifies the model properties you want in the response bodystring
where Query Specifies only those records that match an expression in the query.string
orderBy Query Specifies the order of the records.string
page Query Specifies the page number and number of records on each page.string
expand Query Specifies the nested model properties you want in the response bodystring
Response Body
name Client or customer namestring
address Address of a client
Address Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
assignedGroups []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of assigned groups
AssignedGroup Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
clientSince Date when the business was initiated between the company and the client in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
company Client's company namestring
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuid
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
currencyId Identifier of the client's currency multiplieruuid
currencyName Name of a currency, e.g., U.S.Dollar, British Poundstring
customFields []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.Represents a list of custom fields
CustomFieldData Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
defaultGroup Name of the default groupstring
defaultGroupId Identifier of the group to which a client belongsuuid
feeScheduleId Represents the fee schedule identifier. Fee schedules are unique fee structures with special bill rates and cost rates by employee, activity item, expense item or groupuuid
feeScheduleName Name of the fee schedulestring
firstName First name of a clientstring
id Object identifieruuid
lastName Last name of the clientstring
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuid
mainExpenseTax Main expense tax applied to the expense amount on a client invoicedouble
mainServiceTax Main service tax applied to the labor/service amount on a client invoicedouble
manager Name of the employee who is a manager of the clientstring
managerId Identifier of a client manageruuid
memo Records any extra information of a client for recapitulationstring
messageOnInvoice Custom message printed on a client invoicestring
middleInitial Middle initial of the clientstring
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectStateEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
status Current status of the client, e.g., Active or InActive
StatusEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
taxId Represents a federal tax identifier.string
term Name of the termstring
termId Identifier of a term (frequency) with which a client will make a paymentuuid
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
type Gets or sets the type.
ClientTypeEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte
Example Request
Example Response
    "name": "Client",
    "address": {
      "entityId": "5095ef8c-532d-43b3-b535-34eeb5b36303",
      "entityType": null,
      "name": "Address",
      "city": "city",
      "communications": [
          "addressId": "26102901-0191-40b3-be99-14a9f86ce22d",
          "typeId": "8e4f5bef-f9d5-4e7b-aa11-9486c7889a91",
          "value": "value",
          "createdById": "d0069f25-ff5f-45a0-b3cd-a4dd27fafd77",
          "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
          "id": "a0d090df-09b3-4292-b566-3ec56da5b669",
          "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
          "lastUpdatedById": "7d8c9cc5-c1f9-4781-b5a0-0a43eea93bbd",
          "objectState": null,
          "sortOrder": 0,
          "token": 0,
          "typeName": "typeName",
          "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
      "country": "country",
      "createdById": "a00e1706-759e-40c0-bab1-9d200cdedb33",
      "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "id": "a13765e0-6364-4ebc-8f02-df1c9df42587",
      "isDefault": true,
      "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "lastUpdatedById": "7f3b1aa4-4a3e-439e-9528-e517778c6fb7",
      "objectState": null,
      "sortOrder": 0,
      "state": "state",
      "street1": "street1",
      "street2": "street2",
      "token": 0,
      "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw==",
      "zip": "zip"
    "assignedGroups": [
        "description": "AssignedGroup Description",
        "id": "c944fc09-6eb4-468f-8011-ea5a0440548a",
        "name": "AssignedGroup"
    "clientSince": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "company": "company",
    "createdById": "2d7e90bc-c67a-4bc3-b338-27993c6a7eb7",
    "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "currencyId": "09a4113d-a6ab-444d-bde6-771ef228f2ec",
    "currencyName": "currencyName",
    "customFields": [
        "definitionId": "393ab592-2e0a-4d99-9e2c-2f49687d54e1",
        "createdById": "406a6ef8-c189-43c2-aa34-bd1027a572f8",
        "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "description": "CustomFieldData Description",
        "id": "50db08d4-f93e-4762-9659-243b0879fc1f",
        "label": "label",
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "lastUpdatedById": "9b8f33a8-763c-419b-90cd-02adfc14e81d",
        "objectState": null,
        "token": 0,
        "type": null,
        "value": "value",
        "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
    "defaultGroup": "defaultGroup",
    "defaultGroupId": "a9092d08-2f4b-4b04-ac13-c97794e3c2bb",
    "feeScheduleId": "1c7052be-0b81-4a68-80b7-c72831635a44",
    "feeScheduleName": "feeScheduleName",
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "80d110ef-1627-4b96-a2dd-bededba95cd1",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "lastUpdatedById": "d43ab112-c338-41cc-a047-98586c5ca9e1",
    "mainExpenseTax": 1,
    "mainServiceTax": 1,
    "manager": "manager",
    "managerId": "5674d1d4-88d0-4ac0-b60a-9b3c61d7f3a0",
    "memo": "memo",
    "messageOnInvoice": "messageOnInvoice",
    "middleInitial": "middleInitial",
    "objectState": null,
    "status": null,
    "taxId": "taxId",
    "term": "term",
    "termId": "34f5eab0-9fca-45c6-be65-eb6dbf94a1ae",
    "token": 0,
    "type": null,
    "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="

Use this method to retrieve a specific client. Pass id as the parameter.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
id Path Client identifierstring
Response Body
name Client or customer namestring
address Address of a client
Address Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
assignedGroups []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of assigned groups
AssignedGroup Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
clientSince Date when the business was initiated between the company and the client in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
company Client's company namestring
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuid
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
currencyId Identifier of the client's currency multiplieruuid
currencyName Name of a currency, e.g., U.S.Dollar, British Poundstring
customFields []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.Represents a list of custom fields
CustomFieldData Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
defaultGroup Name of the default groupstring
defaultGroupId Identifier of the group to which a client belongsuuid
feeScheduleId Represents the fee schedule identifier. Fee schedules are unique fee structures with special bill rates and cost rates by employee, activity item, expense item or groupuuid
feeScheduleName Name of the fee schedulestring
firstName First name of a clientstring
id Object identifieruuid
lastName Last name of the clientstring
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuid
mainExpenseTax Main expense tax applied to the expense amount on a client invoicedouble
mainServiceTax Main service tax applied to the labor/service amount on a client invoicedouble
manager Name of the employee who is a manager of the clientstring
managerId Identifier of a client manageruuid
memo Records any extra information of a client for recapitulationstring
messageOnInvoice Custom message printed on a client invoicestring
middleInitial Middle initial of the clientstring
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectStateEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
status Current status of the client, e.g., Active or InActive
StatusEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
taxId Represents a federal tax identifier.string
term Name of the termstring
termId Identifier of a term (frequency) with which a client will make a paymentuuid
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
type Gets or sets the type.
ClientTypeEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte
Example Request
Example Response
  "name": "Client",
  "address": {
    "entityId": "ba7f21c4-9494-4cc2-bf16-ad8ae787c3e7",
    "entityType": null,
    "name": "Address",
    "city": "city",
    "communications": [
        "addressId": "c8e15cb9-51fc-4448-aa26-843e45b28763",
        "typeId": "e0debb06-4ebb-4fd2-a735-8816598ecb61",
        "value": "value",
        "createdById": "61dbbf0f-2679-4898-858e-f9cab41a0206",
        "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "id": "90027b24-74f5-4592-af62-399d3e5acb65",
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "lastUpdatedById": "a23cde8d-5cec-42ef-903d-31b15f4e1845",
        "objectState": null,
        "sortOrder": 0,
        "token": 0,
        "typeName": "typeName",
        "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
    "country": "country",
    "createdById": "373f6eaf-e964-4370-ab09-f57afb856959",
    "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "id": "fc1b4c3f-9c7e-40b6-8de2-ca877a2439c1",
    "isDefault": true,
    "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "lastUpdatedById": "174d83e6-1e0c-4b51-be25-4e67c15b48bf",
    "objectState": null,
    "sortOrder": 0,
    "state": "state",
    "street1": "street1",
    "street2": "street2",
    "token": 0,
    "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw==",
    "zip": "zip"
  "assignedGroups": [
      "description": "AssignedGroup Description",
      "id": "0ac17083-6d2f-40ab-b66c-97afe508177b",
      "name": "AssignedGroup"
  "clientSince": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "company": "company",
  "createdById": "7537f893-6899-4c47-bc9b-bad3a7612215",
  "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "currencyId": "3ff0258c-1f76-4839-91ac-38ca243569f3",
  "currencyName": "currencyName",
  "customFields": [
      "definitionId": "496ca22a-7637-4810-a208-eeea9830583f",
      "createdById": "5662d07a-676c-4e73-b95a-6afeee20bbaf",
      "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "description": "CustomFieldData Description",
      "id": "1fcb863c-5a74-477d-a096-d8aec16cffa1",
      "label": "label",
      "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "lastUpdatedById": "4c68c9d0-9894-4c2e-a139-df05816b01d8",
      "objectState": null,
      "token": 0,
      "type": null,
      "value": "value",
      "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
  "defaultGroup": "defaultGroup",
  "defaultGroupId": "3f1886b3-a3ca-4c42-909e-e44d8d572959",
  "feeScheduleId": "3248e2a4-d012-4933-91c9-9d748886d252",
  "feeScheduleName": "feeScheduleName",
  "firstName": "John",
  "id": "7778bcab-0889-4fd2-942f-4e2f27e5accb",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "lastUpdatedById": "fceebbe1-5b45-4d96-9341-5ef019ebccb9",
  "mainExpenseTax": 1,
  "mainServiceTax": 1,
  "manager": "manager",
  "managerId": "3b166bfb-04b8-417f-8d0c-9f191f5c01b5",
  "memo": "memo",
  "messageOnInvoice": "messageOnInvoice",
  "middleInitial": "middleInitial",
  "objectState": null,
  "status": null,
  "taxId": "taxId",
  "term": "term",
  "termId": "45a09328-dcb1-4f44-a1e0-d89fde460122",
  "token": 0,
  "type": null,
  "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="

Use this method to retrieve the list of contacts assigned to this client.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
fields Query string
where Query string
orderBy Query Specifies the order of the recordsstring
page Query Specifies the page number and number of records on each pagestring
id Path Client identifierstring
expand Query Specifies the nested model properties you want in the response bodystring
Response Body
contactName User friendly identifier of a contactstring
entityId Identifier of an entityuuid
entityType Determines the entity type
ModuleNamesEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
address []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of addresses associated with a contact
Address Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
company Contact's company namestring
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuid
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
customFields []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of custom fields in the contacts
CustomFieldData Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
department Name of the department in which the client contact worksstring
firstName First name of a contactstring
id Object identifieruuid
isPrimaryContact Indicates whether a client contact is main (primary) or notboolean
lastName Last name of a contactstring
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuid
memo Represents a memo to record additional information about a client contactstring
middleInitial Middle initial of a contactstring
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectStateEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
salutation Salutation used for a client contactstring
title Job or professional title of a client contactstring
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte
Example Request
Example Response
    "contactName": "contactName",
    "entityId": "d8eecef7-7049-4b22-ae0c-9d32e4c812a8",
    "entityType": null,
    "address": [
        "entityId": "ad554125-912c-41cb-973f-496b7581da43",
        "entityType": null,
        "name": "Address",
        "city": "city",
        "communications": [
            "addressId": "18685056-60a1-4a0f-b214-1d593f6210e6",
            "typeId": "4d5c7e8a-6a7a-4e20-a236-3db975304d65",
            "value": "value",
            "createdById": "81f1c6c9-6b0d-4f1c-a786-b44f9534cbc4",
            "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
            "id": "caa5f9e3-4c9d-46a3-8a37-1ab21de87754",
            "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
            "lastUpdatedById": "b4a13b1d-4b11-4770-8a9d-33bfd6cb706c",
            "objectState": null,
            "sortOrder": 0,
            "token": 0,
            "typeName": "typeName",
            "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
        "country": "country",
        "createdById": "a352426f-de5c-4325-8875-0986037423d6",
        "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "id": "58f5701c-3255-4714-8f64-ea462347d9f9",
        "isDefault": true,
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "lastUpdatedById": "fa471d16-0ebf-4fb3-9101-ffa87f33b9bd",
        "objectState": null,
        "sortOrder": 0,
        "state": "state",
        "street1": "street1",
        "street2": "street2",
        "token": 0,
        "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw==",
        "zip": "zip"
    "company": "company",
    "createdById": "32ed093e-2449-4faf-87a6-7d5f990a6fc7",
    "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "customFields": [
        "definitionId": "32d012f1-bcbc-4fa3-b582-42c8ac862bd3",
        "createdById": "b77bfda5-c418-4b67-aad5-3ce372ff3663",
        "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "description": "CustomFieldData Description",
        "id": "e4782e28-8f00-4c67-bb58-784024a23762",
        "label": "label",
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "lastUpdatedById": "5432dcf2-5258-4a9a-9f3d-4ac6b6380d1d",
        "objectState": null,
        "token": 0,
        "type": null,
        "value": "value",
        "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
    "department": "department",
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "a7191ac6-ea92-4b50-b773-891191868252",
    "isPrimaryContact": true,
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "lastUpdatedById": "1b51735b-9051-4ffa-a41c-15f60c1cd758",
    "memo": "memo",
    "middleInitial": "middleInitial",
    "objectState": null,
    "salutation": "salutation",
    "title": "title",
    "token": 0,
    "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="

Use this method to save the client. Pass client as the parameter.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
body Body Client objectClient
Response Body
name Client or customer namestring
address Address of a client
Address Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
assignedGroups []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of assigned groups
AssignedGroup Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
clientSince Date when the business was initiated between the company and the client in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
company Client's company namestring
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuid
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
currencyId Identifier of the client's currency multiplieruuid
currencyName Name of a currency, e.g., U.S.Dollar, British Poundstring
customFields []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.Represents a list of custom fields
CustomFieldData Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
defaultGroup Name of the default groupstring
defaultGroupId Identifier of the group to which a client belongsuuid
feeScheduleId Represents the fee schedule identifier. Fee schedules are unique fee structures with special bill rates and cost rates by employee, activity item, expense item or groupuuid
feeScheduleName Name of the fee schedulestring
firstName First name of a clientstring
id Object identifieruuid
lastName Last name of the clientstring
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuid
mainExpenseTax Main expense tax applied to the expense amount on a client invoicedouble
mainServiceTax Main service tax applied to the labor/service amount on a client invoicedouble
manager Name of the employee who is a manager of the clientstring
managerId Identifier of a client manageruuid
memo Records any extra information of a client for recapitulationstring
messageOnInvoice Custom message printed on a client invoicestring
middleInitial Middle initial of the clientstring
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectStateEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
status Current status of the client, e.g., Active or InActive
StatusEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
taxId Represents a federal tax identifier.string
term Name of the termstring
termId Identifier of a term (frequency) with which a client will make a paymentuuid
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
type Gets or sets the type.
ClientTypeEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte
Example Request
Example Response
  "name": "Client",
  "address": {
    "entityId": "8871d7a1-0576-4e0d-be64-faf459d4485e",
    "entityType": null,
    "name": "Address",
    "city": "city",
    "communications": [
        "addressId": "020e742e-69f8-4515-af1f-aeb6c072abc3",
        "typeId": "cb465ec2-8d66-4545-8e9d-cc352b2417bc",
        "value": "value",
        "createdById": "7b3a8b36-b872-40bf-8f36-d0d409edcca1",
        "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "id": "e0ccce0b-f4c1-4683-ad77-8410951ee4fa",
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "lastUpdatedById": "4e5ca12b-7efb-4c77-b87e-4a16711d4b17",
        "objectState": null,
        "sortOrder": 0,
        "token": 0,
        "typeName": "typeName",
        "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
    "country": "country",
    "createdById": "7457e9ed-be6d-4a01-81d8-1c8774f6e507",
    "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "id": "322a7ae4-0943-43ec-a690-a746d403ca42",
    "isDefault": true,
    "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "lastUpdatedById": "dd8d13be-2d44-4b0f-9cdd-3947887e0532",
    "objectState": null,
    "sortOrder": 0,
    "state": "state",
    "street1": "street1",
    "street2": "street2",
    "token": 0,
    "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw==",
    "zip": "zip"
  "assignedGroups": [
      "description": "AssignedGroup Description",
      "id": "c3ca0ddf-bb0c-4281-b81f-128a00da50b5",
      "name": "AssignedGroup"
  "clientSince": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "company": "company",
  "createdById": "61b778ec-fa57-4e44-bf64-cef719009d84",
  "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "currencyId": "d4d27a0e-9d6b-4e5f-80f9-1c007bbed6ec",
  "currencyName": "currencyName",
  "customFields": [
      "definitionId": "e6c263d3-3bd4-42a2-87e4-ac0f560f6e47",
      "createdById": "75ab2da1-7255-48bb-938d-2a25c9a70a0f",
      "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "description": "CustomFieldData Description",
      "id": "90e2031b-8838-4ec7-aab0-f4ab37859c3c",
      "label": "label",
      "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "lastUpdatedById": "dcd83e0d-d480-46a0-8b2c-a98d65572769",
      "objectState": null,
      "token": 0,
      "type": null,
      "value": "value",
      "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
  "defaultGroup": "defaultGroup",
  "defaultGroupId": "fbdf5ba0-7c73-4c86-b4ed-ef143951fbc0",
  "feeScheduleId": "d6f3433b-bef0-49d7-b590-dc01cd9a0d8f",
  "feeScheduleName": "feeScheduleName",
  "firstName": "John",
  "id": "fd2e0e2d-7e71-41f0-bda0-b6b2821f356d",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "lastUpdatedById": "43d29b70-8b46-4848-a075-af0da8c9d5a9",
  "mainExpenseTax": 1,
  "mainServiceTax": 1,
  "manager": "manager",
  "managerId": "378ad790-032f-4ae0-a125-e060fdade714",
  "memo": "memo",
  "messageOnInvoice": "messageOnInvoice",
  "middleInitial": "middleInitial",
  "objectState": null,
  "status": null,
  "taxId": "taxId",
  "term": "term",
  "termId": "7b85c745-a888-4fbf-b0bc-98b79db1e785",
  "token": 0,
  "type": null,
  "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="

Use this method to save multiple clients. Pass model as the parameter.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
body Body Client objectClientBatchRequest
Response Body
batchSize Represents the number of entities in a batchint64
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuid
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
id Object identifieruuid
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuid
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectStateEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
progress Represents the total number of entities processedint64
status Represents the status of a job e.g., ready, running, completed, or terminatedstring
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
type Represents the type of a job e.g., create, update, or deletestring
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte
Example Request
Example Response
  "batchSize": 0,
  "createdById": "138e1e18-67d3-48d2-b4e3-37a626a99802",
  "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "id": "4d8b0317-24ed-4cbd-b30c-898032419484",
  "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "lastUpdatedById": "593f93fa-7117-453c-a76b-407e20204f6e",
  "objectState": null,
  "progress": 0,
  "status": "status",
  "token": 0,
  "type": "type",
  "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="

Use this method to update a client. Pass id and client as the parameters.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
id Path Client identifierstring
body Body Client objectClient
Response Body
name Client or customer namestring
address Address of a client
Address Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
assignedGroups []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.List of assigned groups
AssignedGroup Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
clientSince Date when the business was initiated between the company and the client in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
company Client's company namestring
createdById Identifier of the user who created this objectuuid
createdOn Date and time when this object was created (UTC Now), in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
currencyId Identifier of the client's currency multiplieruuid
currencyName Name of a currency, e.g., U.S.Dollar, British Poundstring
customFields []Array: Parent object can have multiple instances of this nested object under it.Represents a list of custom fields
CustomFieldData Nested object: Click to see its details. To retrieve the details of this object via list endpoints, you must use the Expand parameter.
defaultGroup Name of the default groupstring
defaultGroupId Identifier of the group to which a client belongsuuid
feeScheduleId Represents the fee schedule identifier. Fee schedules are unique fee structures with special bill rates and cost rates by employee, activity item, expense item or groupuuid
feeScheduleName Name of the fee schedulestring
firstName First name of a clientstring
id Object identifieruuid
lastName Last name of the clientstring
lastUpdated Last updated date and time value of this object in ISO 8601 date-time format, such as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssdate-time
lastUpdatedById Identifier of the user who last updated this objectuuid
mainExpenseTax Main expense tax applied to the expense amount on a client invoicedouble
mainServiceTax Main service tax applied to the labor/service amount on a client invoicedouble
manager Name of the employee who is a manager of the clientstring
managerId Identifier of a client manageruuid
memo Records any extra information of a client for recapitulationstring
messageOnInvoice Custom message printed on a client invoicestring
middleInitial Middle initial of the clientstring
objectState Represents the state of the object. e.g., new, unchanged, modified or deleted
ObjectStateEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
status Current status of the client, e.g., Active or InActive
StatusEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
taxId Represents a federal tax identifier.string
term Name of the termstring
termId Identifier of a term (frequency) with which a client will make a paymentuuid
token Represents the token for update operationsint32
type Gets or sets the type.
ClientTypeEnumerated type: Click to see possible values and their descriptions.
version Implements concurrency on this objectbyte
Example Request
Example Response
  "name": "Client",
  "address": {
    "entityId": "ca289a15-ba5d-43ba-b025-a26e1fb3611a",
    "entityType": null,
    "name": "Address",
    "city": "city",
    "communications": [
        "addressId": "a77d69db-5903-4ed6-a144-0eeda8467b5e",
        "typeId": "01d33dc7-dfdd-4f27-a32a-8221c29c9ae2",
        "value": "value",
        "createdById": "7074c7ab-10f4-4864-80a5-0a13891a558a",
        "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "id": "f226782f-9fc7-47ef-8520-d7406f74c8ed",
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
        "lastUpdatedById": "2125f1ef-a104-45cd-9cd4-8daf0f59a290",
        "objectState": null,
        "sortOrder": 0,
        "token": 0,
        "typeName": "typeName",
        "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
    "country": "country",
    "createdById": "9fd40d96-66b5-4cb9-a377-f93e25c43718",
    "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "id": "1c911796-cf99-4437-94fa-d31ce86f4ed7",
    "isDefault": true,
    "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
    "lastUpdatedById": "c6769755-ae45-44d3-ab23-3a5f1e80455b",
    "objectState": null,
    "sortOrder": 0,
    "state": "state",
    "street1": "street1",
    "street2": "street2",
    "token": 0,
    "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw==",
    "zip": "zip"
  "assignedGroups": [
      "description": "AssignedGroup Description",
      "id": "b1167db5-2236-43a7-91c7-d13fda68a1c6",
      "name": "AssignedGroup"
  "clientSince": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "company": "company",
  "createdById": "bb90468d-8355-4b26-ac2c-72557fc97006",
  "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "currencyId": "bc031a4d-2f5e-4b79-9016-13a91ab06df0",
  "currencyName": "currencyName",
  "customFields": [
      "definitionId": "e35858a6-415f-44bb-9ef3-153c6cd9b7ef",
      "createdById": "c70700f3-0d6a-4d77-8004-f3cd122c6cfe",
      "createdOn": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "description": "CustomFieldData Description",
      "id": "ea003666-037e-4c21-8abc-bd8fb89dbc65",
      "label": "label",
      "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
      "lastUpdatedById": "e6399dd8-a3ac-44be-a76d-6ed785702430",
      "objectState": null,
      "token": 0,
      "type": null,
      "value": "value",
      "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
  "defaultGroup": "defaultGroup",
  "defaultGroupId": "a7017010-1fb5-483e-aa79-3a8e9625832a",
  "feeScheduleId": "c879efb2-67e6-42e7-993c-2e692af64848",
  "feeScheduleName": "feeScheduleName",
  "firstName": "John",
  "id": "174cffaf-d4c7-4b53-bcc8-a47b93edc983",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "lastUpdated": "2024-01-24T04:16:02Z",
  "lastUpdatedById": "b93db143-3c32-4b9e-aa59-7ec1bf4b1d2c",
  "mainExpenseTax": 1,
  "mainServiceTax": 1,
  "manager": "manager",
  "managerId": "b9b420db-e3c3-4617-abf0-b3dfa200d30c",
  "memo": "memo",
  "messageOnInvoice": "messageOnInvoice",
  "middleInitial": "middleInitial",
  "objectState": null,
  "status": null,
  "taxId": "taxId",
  "term": "term",
  "termId": "e0664b6c-b9bd-4858-a2c8-576ef136507c",
  "token": 0,
  "type": null,
  "version": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="

Use this method to delete a specific client. Pass id as the parameter.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token

Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
id Path Client identifierstring
Example Request

Use this method to perform partial modifications to a client. Pass id and patch document as parameters.

Request URL

Method Overview

HTTP Method:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?



Access Token



Required Scopes:


Required Subscription:

View Subscription

Request Parameters asterisk denotes required
NameParameter TypeDescriptionFormat
id Path Client identifierstring
body Body A document containing an array of objects with each object representing a single operationClientPatchDocument
Response Body
Example Request
Example Response